
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We've Moved! Join us at

Things have been pretty quiet here on the blog for the last couple months, but a lot has been happening behind the scenes.  First and foremost, we're moving the blog!  Please visit us at our new home at Tikkido.

Tikkido is a new website all about entertaining and party planning of all sorts, including weddings.  I'm maintaining just the one blog for both and (because let's be realistic, when things get crazy, I'm not so good at maintaining just a single blog!).

In addition to getting Tikkido ready for launch, I've also been hard at work on a collaboration with the amazing Paula of Frog Prince Paperie.  I am so delighted to announce the launch of our brand new glossy e-magazine, Festivities, coming to a screen near you on Monday, May 21st!

Ok, I'm biased, clearly, but it's so pretty!  I'm so proud!  For a little more information on the new magazine, head over to my first post on the Tikkido blog.