
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vegas Bound!

I'm heading to Vegas for a few days, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of one of my very best friends in true Vegas style.  She's the inspiration behind the Elspeth tiara:

She's smart and funny and insightful and determined and kind and beautiful and strong and everything you could ever want in a friend.  I can't wait to go spend a few days in Las Vegas with her, celebrating 10 years of her marriage, complete with an Elvis-officiated vow renewal.

I wanted to do a little something special for this very notable event, and I remembered the favors that they gave out at their wedding included a recipe card, with a favorite cookie recipe from each side of the family.

Scottish shortbread from the bride...

...and Biscochelos from the groom.

That's the original favor/recipe card from their wedding!  It's had a place of honor in my recipe box these last ten years.

Just a little sweet treat to show that I cherish and remember that happy day, and am so delighted to be honoring these past ten years and looking forward to many more.

I hope they like it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy 4th of July! (A Little Late)

I was out of town this past week, on a family vacation in Washington, D.C. What a magical experience!

From educational fun at Fort McHenry, where we got to try on a soldier's hat...

...and help raise a full-sized replica of the original Star Spangled Banner... the zoo...

...and watching fireworks over the capitol at the Air Force Memorial...

...and museums and Assateague island and Shenandoah Caverns and monuments and the Archives and everything else we did, it was an amazing trip.

Thanks for being patient while we were away on our fabulous journey!  I'm back to work and up to my elbows in crystals and silk tulle now, and packages are flying out the door.

I have to mention that the dresses my girls wore for the 4th...

...were made in record time using the great tutorial at Heart Break Kids.  They're made out of a t-shirt and knit fabric, and were so soft and comfortable, and the girls adored wearing them.  Just try to be gloomy if you have a ruffly bustle to shake around.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Preferred Vendor Award for Tradewind Tiaras!

I'm delighted to announce that Tradewind Tiaras was just awarded a Preferred Vendor Award at!

Here's what one of our customers wrote when he nominated us:

"I would like to nominate Tradewind Tiaras, Inc. for the Preferred Vendor Award. During my last event their assistance was outstanding and greatly appreciated by all of my guests.



Thanks so much, Robert!  We have the best customers around!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Product: Chiffon Flower

A sneak peek at another new product, a frothy, fun, romantic chiffon and tulle flower.

Perfect for brides (wouldn't it look fabulous with our new birdcage veils?), bridesmaids, flower girls, or just little girls who appreciate a "pretty hair," as my two-year-old calls hair clips.

Available now on our Etsy shop, and shortly on our website.